Young Scholars Program Welcomes Seventh Cohort of Scholarship Recipients to Jindal School
Young Scholars Program Welcomes Seventh Cohort of Scholarship Recipients to Jindal School

Dr. Hasan Pirkul, Caruth Chair and dean of the Jindal School, spoke to attendees, as well as Ricardo and Priscilla Gonzalez, parents of two YSP scholarship recipients who addressed the group in English and Spanish. Each scholarship recipient was introduced to the YSP family, signed their formal agreements to become members, and received their unique YSP pins during the inaugural pinning ceremony.
Local high school students who participate in year-round college readiness programming while demonstrating high academic achievement are eligible to apply for the scholarships. This year’s cohort (24) represents the largest number of scholarship recipients to date, surpassing last year’s previous largest total of 19. The YSP scholarship, which began in 2017, covers full tuition, housing, and meals for four years to attend the Jindal School.

Since its inception, 79 students have earned the YSP scholarship, 16 of those have earned bachelor’s degrees, and five have earned master’s degrees. Ninety-two percent of YSP scholarship recipients are first-generation college students, and 98.7% of students who have accepted the scholarship have either graduated or are on track to graduate within four years.
The YSP partners with Molina, Pinkston, Richardson, Roosevelt, H. Grady Spruce, Townview, and W.T. White High Schools. Students are provided opportunities to hear from guest speakers, attend test preparation sessions, work with a mentor, and officially visit the UTD campus. During the 2024- 2025 school year, approximately 900 students are enrolled in the Young Scholars Program.