Inaugural JSOM Alumni Reunion Connects Our Community
Inaugural JSOM Alumni Reunion Connects Our Community
By Jimmie Markham

The Naveen Jindal School of Management held its first ever JSOM Alumni Reunion May 4. More than 700 alumni spanning the school’s 49-year history gathered in the Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center along with friends, family and JSOM faculty and staff. The inaugural event’s theme was “Reminisce, Reconnect and Rediscover.” Attendance exceeded expectations since about 600 were expected.

Twenty-five rooms throughout the School of Management were set aside during the event for program directors from each of the academic programs at the undergraduate, graduate and PhD levels to discuss advancements in their programs and for question-and-answer sessions to any alumni who were curious about what had become of their alma mater’s programs.

Dr. Hasan Pirkul, Caruth Chair and Jindal School dean, announced the school’s new addition to its buildings that day, telling the gathered crowd that every Saturday will be Alumni Day once the building is completed. He also said that the building would be ready in time to be the venue for the 3rd Annual Alumni Reunion.
“We will make that building available to all of you to come out and party,” he said.

Caylin Blockley, director of alumni relations at the Jindal School at the time of the event and now an adjunct faculty member, spearheaded the organization of the Alumni Reunion. He said the attendance and the atmosphere exceeded expectations.
“The clear success of the JSOM Reunion shows that our alumni are dedicated to their alma mater and are excited about the future of the school,” he said. “The goal of the reunion was to allow alums to reminisce and rediscover the opportunities the Jindal School can provide; we can’t wait for future events.”